Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

Lets' going to the Borobudur Temple

one day, at Sunday, 1 June 2014 twice a day. The student's in SDN 01 Jatiroyom to go to The Borobudur Temple. the student get study step by step to speak language english with touris mancanegara or language indonesian with touris local. Most the students very like's to visit there, because Borobudur temple one of popular storys in world. perhaps, to explanation happy's, i can to show the picture abaut visites mine.
The Student's take of from the bus.
The Teachers and students are lunch with krupuk usek sambel in yard.
the touris local to go the loket temple to buy ticket.
the pictuer Borobudur Temple is very beautiful.
the student's and coboy junior is actions to get film's kartun Borobudur temple.
The student's and sutradara films is happy's betwen temple's.
The temple Budhis in Borobudur.

The Mr. Coboy is actions with reliave.